Dickinson, ND | Event Grant Information
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Event Grant Information

Event Grant Information - Dickinson, ND


The Event Grant Program is targeting to assist qualified organizations with the promotion of visitor activities striving to directly increase the 1% Hospitality Tax, and create positive image building publicity for Dickinson.

Evaluation and Funding Criteria

Proposals will be evaluated with the following criteria:
  • Probability and extent of new wealth creation – Hospitality Tax
  • Credibility and community merit
  • Market potential
  • Completion of grant
  • Level of need
  • Past, present and future performance
  • Outside factors of future loss
The Event Grant Program assists qualified organizations with the promotion of visitor activities striving to directly increase the 1% Hospitality Tax, and create positive image building publicity for Dickinson, ND.
Each grant request and application will be judged on the following criteria:
  • Probability and Extent of New Wealth Creation – Hospitality Tax
    The mission statement of the Dickinson CVB is to “Promote Events and Activities that will Attract Visitors to Dickinson and Stimulate the Economy." This is in particular reflection of the 1% Hospitality Tax, which funds the program. The Hospitality Tax is a 1% sales tax on food, beverage and lodging.
  • Credibility and Community Merit
    Critical to any project/event is the credibility and merit, as well as the qualifications of the projects’ principals. The Dickinson CVB will judge each proposal for its perceived feasibility, both within the Board and the community. Letters of recommendation will factor in as a positive notation on the application.
  • Market Potential
    The probability of growth for the project/event will be judged based on the highest point level being awarded for the largest potential in attracting visitors from outside the Dickinson city limits. Outside dollars represent the creation of new wealth and the highest probability of generating the largest amount of hospitality tax dollars.
  • Completion of Grant and Any Prior Evaluation Forms
    Following the process of completing the grant application a subsequent grant evaluation will be judged by the CVB Executive Director and reported to the CVB Board as they evaluate the applications.
  • Level of Need
    The financial statement and budget will be submitted with the application to determine the actual level the organization needs to host the project/event. There will however be a consideration of individual situations that will bear subject to the possible outcome of an event that can be discussed by the Board.
  • Past, Present, and Future Performance
    Projects/events that have been presented to the Board in the past, and likely to be presented annually, will be judged on the performance of the event based on the grant evaluation, site inspections, and community response.
  • Outside Factors of Future Loss
    Providing there is evidence acceptable to the Board which substantiates that a project/event is in question of relocating without the assistance of the grant program, the Board may award points to reflect such a possible situation.

Event Grant Program

Event Grant Application - Please email alicia@visitdickinson.com for a fillable form.
Additional criteria details are linked to the application.

  • Festival/Event - First Time Application for Annual Event
    • Funds are open for use of event expenses
    • Requests of $5,000 or higher require a CVB Board presentation
  • Annual Festival/Public Event - Marketing
    • Requests up to $1,000 maximum (20% of award will be placed by CVB for FB sponsored ads)
    • Funds must be used to market and attract attendance
    • Funds can not be used for onsite promotion or participant recruitment
  • Rotational - Non-Annual Event
    • Requests for events that are either bid or rotate to communities
    • Requests of $5,000 or higher require a CVB Board presentation
For applications or more information, please e-mail Alicia at alicia@visitdickinson.com

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